Be blessed with the lyrics of latest R&B song “Sacrifice” from Daniel Jeddman

Should you take your time to enjoy the beauty of this song, you’ll just love its simplicity and creativity. First of all, the whole concept of SACRIFICE is in GENESIS 4:1-16 Where Cain killed his brother Abel because of jealousy. The picture represent a determined black samurai who’s focused on his journey and only hears…

Daniel Jeddman set to release SACRIFICE

“Focus on your journey with passion, determination and happiness. See, Abel did nothing but hatred from his brother for nothing”… declares Jeddman in one of his hot lines (lyrics) in the song. “The message is pretty simple. We seem to be in a world of hatred, jealously, backbiting and backstabbing instead of loving each other,…

Daniel Jeddman announces his plans for 2023 including a book release

The German-based Ghana Gospel Artist, Daniel Jeddman imperatively makes a public announcement concerning his new projects this year. He released his first ever album, Angels in 2016, second successful album in 2018 and released 3 other albums including “Hye Me Ma”, “Your Grace “ and “Favour” with K. Anani, Sylvia Boakye and the multiple VGMA award winner MOG Music respectively. …

Joe Mettle touching lives as music lover shares divine testimony

Joe Mettle touching lives as music lover shares divine testimony Ye Obua Mi is a Ga expression which means Help Me. In the context of the song it further could be explained as Help Me Lord. The Gospel tune was released in 2021 when the world was still battling some rippling effects of Covid 19…