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The story about how “JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL” hymn/song was composed

Two years before his conversion, Charles Wesley was crossing the Atlantic. When a storm arose, he was terrified. He wrote in his journal, “The sea streamed in at the sides; . . . it was as much as four men could do by continual pumping to keep her above water. I rose and lay down by turns, but could remain in no posture long; strove vehemently to pray, but in vain.”

“Jesus Lover Of My Soul” – Charles Wesley

Later in the afternoon as the storm reached its peak, he said, “In this dreadful moment, I found the comfort of hope.”
After he returned from America, Charles was converted. One year after his conversion, he wrote this hymn, one of the most famous of the six thousand hymns that he wrote.

The hymn speaks about the tempest and about seeking a refuge from the storm. Charles found that refuge, that safe haven in Jesus Christ, and he speaks about it in the last stanza: “Plenteous grace with Thee is found, grace to cover all my sin.”

Scriptures: Psalm 17:6-8; Psalm 91:2-4; Nahum 1:7

Themes: Comfort, Grace, Mercy

Jesus, Lover of my soul, let me to Thy bosom fly,
While the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high;
Hide me, O my Savior, hide, till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last!
Other refuge have I none; hangs my helpless soul on Thee;
Leave, ah! leave me not alone, still support and comfort me.
All my trust on Thee is stayed; all my help from Thee I bring;
Cover my defenseless head with the shadow of Thy wing.
Thou, O Christ, art all I want; more than all in Thee I find:
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Just and holy is Thy name; I am all unrighteousness;
False and full of sin I am; Thou art full of truth and grace.
Plenteous grace with Thee is found, grace to cover all my sin;
Let the healing streams abound; make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art; freely let me take of Thee:
Spring Thou up within my heart; rise to all eternity.

CHARLES WESLEY (1707–1788)

The divinity and compassion of God supersedes the adversities of humanity


Paul discussed God’s eternal plan in choosing those who are predestined to sonship and the fact that all believers on earth and in heaven will be brought together under Christ the Head of the church.

He further explains the execution of this eternal plan by showing how God makes sinners saints and then places them into the church, Christ’s body. Paul discussed how sinners who deserve nothing but God’s wrath can become trophies of His grace.

EPHESIANS 2:1–10 says; “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

In God’s sight, everything is possible. But that which brings glory to Himself is His divine purpose for mankind.

Major setbacks that grant demons legal access into your orthodox territory (realm)


This analytical dichotomy I’m going to summarize in the next few chapters are theological thoughts and deeper insights about demonology.

Many a times, demons enter people’s lives through an inadvertent invitation (usually innocently or unknowingly) or a door we open that gives them legal spiritual access to us. Spirits can affect or hinder us from the outside, as well as gaining access to our bodies invading like a spiritual parasite, such as in Matthew 9:33: “And when the demon was driven out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowd was amazed and said, ‘Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.’”
I was visiting friends, and we decided as an activity to go to a movie. The movie was one they really had their hearts set on seeing and was very popular at the time. It was a suspenseful, forensic crime type of movie involving the hunt for a serial killer. The crimes of the serial killer were monstrously evil, heinous, and perverted.

The only essential element to eternal salvation is through the Son of God. Read John 3:36.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me as the movie started and told me that through this movie a new precedent would be set in the amount of evil spirits that would be released in the theaters where people are watching this movie. When people passively participate through watching of television or movies, listening to music, reading, or playing games that are an opening to the demonic, they are left spiritually vulnerable.
Sometimes just the fact that you are watching or listening to this at all can be a legal opening that could possibly lead to the demonic spiritual world. An example would be pornography; it opens the door to many different types of spirits, such as spirits of sexual pervasion and addiction. Another open door would be videogames that have occult themes. One day while I was attending an electronic or computer type convention, I was browsing around and looking at all the merchandise.

Suddenly the tangible presence of evil was extremely strong behind me. I quickly spun around, and there was a table behind me that had previously owned video games on it. Several, but one game box in particular, had demonic pictures on it occult themes. It was pouring out the presence of evil, and evil spirits were on the game itself. The evil spirits’ presence was actually attached to the game and was waiting for some unsuspecting shopper to lure or entice into buying the game. Then later while playing the game there would be an open door for these strategically waiting demons to have legal access to the participant of the game. Unfortunately many of today’s popular games fall into this category; and people, especially young people, are buying them and have no idea what is happening to them in the spiritual realm.

These are just a few instances how demons invade the spiritual realm you’re supposed to control.

Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments section below this article!

Enjoy my current song;

Precious Tritone, a media pundit in the Ghanaian Gospel fraternity, writes a compelling article to The GRAMMYs in MOG Music’s Favour


Dear Recording Academy / GRAMMYs

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring your attention to an incredibly talented artist who deserves recognition at next year’s Grammy Awards. MOGmusic, a Ghanaian gospel artist, has captured the hearts of many with his powerful music and inspiring message.

Here are five compelling reasons why MOG Music should be considered for nomination in various categories:

  1. Best Gospel Album – Koinonia Phase II Album: MOG Music’s latest album, “Koinonia Phase II,” is a testament to his exceptional talent and dedication to spreading the gospel through music. The album showcases his unique blend of soulful melodies and uplifting lyrics that resonate with listeners of all backgrounds. It is a true masterpiece that deserves recognition in the Best Gospel Album category.
  2. Best Album – Koinonia Phase II Album: Beyond being an outstanding gospel album, “Koinonia Phase II” stands out as one of the best albums released in recent years. The production quality, songwriting, and overall artistry displayed in this album are exceptional. It would be a disservice not to acknowledge the brilliance of this work in the Best Album category.
  3. Best New Artiste: While MOG Music has been making waves in the Ghanaian gospel music scene for some time now, he is relatively new to the international stage. His unique sound and ability to connect with audiences make him a strong contender for the Best New Artiste category. Recognizing his talent would not only give him the exposure he deserves but also inspire other aspiring gospel artists.
  4. MOG Is A Member Of The Grammys Recording Academy: It is worth noting that MOG Music is a proud member of the Grammys Recording Academy. As the only Ghanaian gospel artist on the Academy, he brings a fresh perspective and unique cultural influence to the table. By nominating him for a Grammy Award, you would be acknowledging the diversity and global reach of gospel music.
  5. Impact and Inspiration: MOG Music’s music has touched the lives of countless individuals around the world. His songs have become anthems of hope, encouragement, and faith. By recognizing his talent and honoring him with a Grammy nomination, you would not only celebrate his achievements but also inspire other artists to use their music as a powerful tool for positive change.

In conclusion, MOG Music is a remarkable artist who deserves recognition at the upcoming Grammy Awards. His music has the power to uplift, inspire, and bring people together. We kindly request that you consider nominating him in the preferred categories mentioned above. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Credits: SOG Precious

Enjoy two of MOG Music’s main and featured ;

Please apply these inspirational words of wisdom to your daily lives

As a man of God, this devastating development of the issue about Mahbad and Naira Marley has so many lessons written around it. I pray peace prevail at the end of the day.

  • No matter how slow you think you’re moving on in life, it’s better than going too fast or too slow! Just make a move. God is on your side.
  • Never trust anyone who tries to cut your family away from you after they decide to work with you.
  • Never be enticed with the kind of money from someone you don’t really know the source of it.
Cyrus Richie, Daniel Jeddman, Paul Wesley
  • Walk alone if you really have to.
  • A friend today can be an enemy tomorrow.
  • When you wake up every morning, pray to God to lead you to your destiny helpers not destiny vampires.
  • Trust in God first, He will Perfect you with people you can walk with.
  • There’s no shortcut in life.
  • The same people who praised you today, can also break you tomorrow.
  • Not even money can divide a united mind.
  • Build a company of helpers not mockers.
  • Walk away from anger.
  • One silly mistake can cause you for the rest of your life.

Enjoy these two beautiful songs from Daniel Jeddman & Cyrus Richie respectively;

Psalm 91 – The Prayer

One of the most powerful books in the Holy Bible

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler,
and from the noisome pestilence.
He shall cover thee with his feathers,
and under his wings shalt thou trust:
his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night;
nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness;
nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side,
and ten thousand at thy right hand;
but it shall not come nigh thee.

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold
and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge,
even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee,
neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
For he shall give his angels charge over thee,
to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee up in their hands,
lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder:
the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him:
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him, and honour him.
With long life will I satisfy him,
and shew him my salvation.

Enjoy a beautiful worship song;

A step closer please, move forward

The only way is forward. You can’t be at one position and expend growth to develop. You need to step up. A step closer to your goals will make a lot of impact in your life.

You don’t let go because you feel like it. There’s no turning back after your window into life is opened. Right from the moment your father cuts the umbilical cord, your first cry begins your voyage, it sets you up and running. The earlier you decide to move forward despite the circumstances the better for your future.

Reading a book like PUT GOD FIRST by Daniel Jeddman (my humble self) will help you understand so many circumstances of life you could adjust to yours without hesitation. Get the book either on Amazon or Google play

Stand firm and keep your heads up! Keep your eyes on the road. For the God who has called you knew you even when you were a clot of blood in your mother’s womb.

Read more about Grace Abounds.

Be blessed with the lyrics of latest R&B song “Sacrifice” from Daniel Jeddman

Should you take your time to enjoy the beauty of this song, you’ll just love its simplicity and creativity.

First of all, the whole concept of SACRIFICE is in GENESIS 4:1-16

Where Cain killed his brother Abel because of jealousy. The picture represent a determined black samurai who’s focused on his journey and only hears the voice of God to execute an order.

He’s determined to make a difference in his destiny ordained by God. He only hears the voice of God to make a move. He’s never distracted! He’s not envious! He will do anything to focus on his journey with passion, determination and happiness.

The lamb 🐑 represents humility even to death. Should everyone of us be humble, we shall be exalted to higher places and levels of life and even in the after life.

SACRIFICE – Daniel Jeddman

In the beginning.

God created the heavens and the earth.

On the sixth day he created Adam and Eve.

On the seventh day He rested.

Now, Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel.

There was a point in time in the Bible Cain and Abel had to sacrifice to the Lord.

But unfortunately Cain’s sacrifice was not accepted.

Abel gave the best of his portion to the Lord. Now, Cain killed Abel out of jealousy.

It’s time for Cain to pay the price!

Now, you! Don’t be like Cain.

Time to lit the fire

Bow and say your last word

You hit your brother for nothing

Just because of favour

Time to lit the fire

Bow and say your last word

You hit your brother for nothing

Just because of favour of his

Sacrifice, sacrifice,

sacrifice, sacrifice

Oh Cain 2x

Time to lit the fire

Bow and say your last word

You hit your brother for nothing

Just because of favour

Time to lit the fire

Bow and say your last word

You hit your brother for nothing

Just because of favour of his

Sacrifice, sacrifice,

sacrifice, sacrifice

Oh Cain 2x

Focus on your journey with passion

And determination and happiness

See Abel did nothing but hatred

From his brother for nothing

Focus on your journey with passion

And determination and happiness

See Abel did nothing but hatred

From his brother for nothing

Sacrifice, sacrifice,

sacrifice, sacrifice

Oh Cain 2x

Tap HERE to enjoy SACRIFICE on Spotify!

Focus on your journey with passion

And determination and happiness

See Abel did nothing but hatred

From his brother for nothing

Focus on your journey with passion

And determination and happiness

See Abel did nothing but hatred

From his brother for nothing

It doesn’t matter what you going through

Life is never easy, but we gotta go on

Shake the pain of and move your body

Join me let’s move it, like this, like that

It doesn’t matter what you going through

Life is never easy, but we gotta go on

Shake the pain of and move your body

Join me let’s move it, like this, like that

Sacrifice, sacrifice,

sacrifice, sacrifice

Oh Cain 2x

Sacrifice, sacrifice,

sacrifice, sacrifice

Oh Cain 2x

Sacrifice, sacrifice,

sacrifice, sacrifice

Oh Cain 2x

Lyrics video;

Daniel Jeddman set to release SACRIFICE

“Focus on your journey with passion, determination and happiness. See, Abel did nothing but hatred from his brother for nothing”… declares Jeddman in one of his hot lines (lyrics) in the song.

“The message is pretty simple. We seem to be in a world of hatred, jealously, backbiting and backstabbing instead of loving each other, supporting each other and focusing on our journeys with passion, determination and happiness.”, Jeddman reemphasized.

Jeddman rightly said God gave him the song to bridge the gap between believers and unbelievers. “It’s a song for everyone, there’s no special group of people to consume it. God is love for all and at times, His message comes for all.”

He further explained the song is inspired in the First book of Moses, Genesis 4:1-16. Where Cain lured and killed his younger twin brother Abel because of envy and jealousy of his (Abel’s) sacrifice to the LORD.

Even the cover design of the song will send strong signals into your veins and spins. Incredible work!

The anticipation on the song is huge. Many around the world are really looking forward for this mind blowing song likened to Gospel R&B/Rap kind of vibe. Daniel Jeddman is known with his unique passionate attitude and divine presence he carries in voice. But he then seems to have a lot more genres we are yet to discover.

To add to this, a leak of the song came out, others were heard saying Jeddman might have gotten inspired from Sisqó’s (American R&B/Rap Singer) song Thong Songs, of which he totally denied the allegations. Jeddman clearly has a strong multitalented demeanor the world should watch out for. He’s one kind of unapologetic Jesus freak!

Sacrifice has a strong message to world.” Daniel Jeddman said. He is also looking forward to meet investors in music willing to work with him on several projects. Irrespective of where you are, just contact him on any of his Social Handels so you can make successful amends with the Ghanaian Gospel Star based in Hamburg, Germany.

Daniel Jeddman’s last release in 2022, FAVOUR featured Ghana’s Vgma winner and Grammy Recording Academy Member, MOG Music.

“Being an Independent Artist is not a joke, you actually have to clear every bill yourself and still feed your audience with the message from heaven. It only takes divine grace to build that maturity level of progress… Daniel Jeddman said in an interview.

His inspiringly captivating book PUT GOD FIRST is up and running! Visit Google Play and Amazon for your copy now!

Follow Daniel Jeddman on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Snapchat & Telegram.

Enjoy all Daniel Jeddman’s songs on Spotify, iTunes, Boomplay, Audiomack, SoundCloud.

Daniel Jeddman announces his plans for 2023 including a book release

The German-based Ghana Gospel Artist, Daniel Jeddman imperatively makes a public announcement concerning his new projects this year.

He released his first ever album, Angels in 2016, second successful album in 2018 and released 3 other albums including “Hye Me Ma”, “Your Grace “ and “Favour” with K. Anani, Sylvia Boakye and the multiple VGMA award winner MOG Music respectively. 

Jeddman has promised to continue his successive journey of music and theology as far as the things of God are concerned. He made it clear that, he’s releasing “Sacrifice” , a single project which constructively criticize envy, jealousy and hatred in the world. “It’s a kind of song which will bring a hard groove to the people, keep them dancing to the glory of God and renew their minds at the same time.”, he emphasized stated. He assured listeners, Kaywa Beats (Highly Spiritual) will be producing the song as he did for Favour. 

Why “Put God First” and “Sacrifice”?

Secondly, he explained why the book “Put God First” should be in the minds of the masses. He said in recent times, many people seem to be in a haste to accomplish so many things, but forget about Matthew 6:33, which says, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and it’s righteous and all other things shall be added unto it”. Daniel Jeddman wants to help readers learn to appreciate God in all things and to put him first in every situation. He admitted his voluminous book will be out very soon this year. And that beloved readers and fans should expect updates in his Official Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.

Enjoy Favour below;
